Wednesday, May 6, 2009


"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it."

-William Arthur Ward

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

Ephesians 3:20

The greatest moments in life are those that lead us right to that fine line called "the breaking point". This is the moment and space when belief and faith speak louder than mere actions as exhaustion sets in and we're forced to push through or give up. The most amazing ideas are birthed during this moment as desperation cries out for the divine and prayer's passions are felt. What you think, ask, and, or imagine will determine your outcome. I challenge you this day...don't stop believing, asking, seeking, imagining the things that are to come. If you don't think it, ask it, imagine it then there is no standard to exceed. You see, you actually cap God even with your faith. He is so jealous of your wildest dreams that he is moved to go above and beyond even what you view as amazing. The divine will never be limited by your greatest idea and he'll prove himself in that moment as "GREATER THAN". When you've gone as far as your strength will go, in your weakness his strength is made perfect. Don't stop believing...speak louder...keep going....keep stepping. It is in this moment that the stronger are made mighty and the weak are empowered!

What will you believe? What will you imagine? There is an end...but not now. Don't stop believing!

You Can... You Will

Take every moment and work it, live it, be it to the fullest

Izzy - That Motivational Guy