Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gotta Start Somewhere!

"A tree trunk the size of a man grows from a blade as thins as a hair. A tower nine stories high is built from a small heap of earth" -Lao Tzu

Ever wonder what happened to the dream you once held dear in hopes that it would one day stare back at you in future's majestic mirror? Have you ever found your faith dwindling slowly as the amazing rush that once was, now resembles the trickling of an aged faucet? Remember the seed that started the entire idea in the first place? Are you currently holding a budding idea that you know, beyond any doubt, might give you access to the building bricks of destiny's multi-generational dwelling? Well, in all things, there is a starting point. Some might prove capable of handling major moves within a month's time code, however, most start as simple seeds just waiting to be crushed under the weight of life's soil, and or "soiled" experiences. Do not despise the simple moments or small start ups as they do not speak for the end or the overall idea. Instead, they add value as they promote growth in the forms of the purest teaching moments that allow true leaders to remain teachable. Today is your moment...this is the crucial building phase that will allow your foundation to stand the testing of future storms. Allowing faith and patience to nurture your seed will also break the outer shell as it extends its roots beyond your very hands, beyond the doubts of men, as roots reach towards divine provision. I challenge you this day...remind yourself of the reasons why. The reasons why you once believed...you know.. the reasons why you started this trek in the first place. If failures along the way are the ONLY or MAIN reasons why you gave up....REMEMBER THIS...The most successful people are those with the most failures...So even that excuse isn't good enough :)
You just might find that your struggling is a direct result of trying your best to avoid the very work that you have been called to complete. Faith's Seed WILL yield the promised harvest! Even the greatest of nations started with one small meeting in one small room...the largest of companies started with a simple burst of inspiration...just as your amazing life's work began with God, you, and your willingness to believe...hold fast to the dream...the idea...and watch it blossom!

You Can and You Will!!!!!Take each moment and work it, live it, be it to the fullest!Izzy-That Motivational Guy

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Insanity Vs. Determination!

Insanity Vs. Determination

Some have defined insanity as doing the same thing repeatedly expecting different results. However, this statement alone is powered and promoted by the belief system of one who has settled in failure. The odds of making it to the NBA might be a million to one. However, ask any key player of the league if he stopped pushing after 100 missed shots as a child with a dream. Ask any Pulitzer recipient if countless crumpled sheets or shredded scribbled papers made them stop the destiny of life's pen. Picture yourself as a rain cloud riding the wind stream of divine design. Then picture your goals, dreams, and purpose as a a tall glass bottle on a window ledge. You might find it difficult to target the lip of the bottle. You might think it insane to even attempt clearing the neck the bottle to allow your efforts to collect at the base. But you know that, if successful, it'll prove to be more than "half full" because you've never been satisfied with "half empty"! Well, just as the cloud, give it all you got and allow all of your efforts to speak loudly with every moment. The more rain drops you produce...some may fall and miss...but I can guarantee that some WILL fall and clear the lip. Some will roll down past the neck and begin to fill the bottle. Perception is not Truth....Definitions are owned by those that define....Don't let one's perception of that definition define who you are becoming! Give it all you got and you will...you will....you can! Try it again...Go back over the design...revamp the blueprint...your dream was simply a reminder of what can and will be...wake up...and live that dream. Don't let it stay as a sentence in a journal or an idea to regret. Keep at it..you're INSANE if you don't! You're not common....expecting common results is questioning your very existence! :)

You Can and You Will!!!!!Take each moment and work it, live it, be it to the fullest!Izzy-That Motivational Guy

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Long Jumps...or Short Steps?

I don't look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over. Warren Buffett

33. "But first be concerned about God's kingdom and his righteousness and all of these things will be provided for you as well." 34. "So never worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” - Luke 12:33-34

Do you remember having many dreams concerning your future? Can you remember, as a child, telling all what and who you were becoming and even going as far as telling them a time frame by which this all would be accomplished? Can you also remember the let-downs that sent you spiraling into depression as goals weren't met and trials seemed to stand in the way of your breakthrough? Then you and I might've found ourselves feeling off base or out of order as it pertained to "the bigger scheme" or the ultimate "plan of God". It's amazing how we can easily become victims of expectation while forgetting how much today's actions and thoughts usher in tomorrow's victories. It's also amazing how we allow our future realities to become today's fantasies that can easily have us living in "LaLa Land". Making us forget about what it is that our hands are responsible for activating on THIS day. I challenge you this day....be anxious for nothing. It HAS to happen after all that you've been through...set daily goals and be realistic when setting them. I love walking on the treadmill...it doesn't mean that after 10 months of walking that I am now ready to challenge the likes of Carl Lewis at his prime. In order to reach your "promised land" you must start your 2, 5,10, 20, 30, and, or 40 year plan's steps today. Today write out your plan, keep it before you, always remind yourself of what is to come by posting it around your common areas. Rejoice in the trials...dance in the rains of the storm!!! When the storm passes the freshly soaked soil will yield its harvest...Some of us have been in a financial, spiritual, physical, and emotional drought since as far back as we can remember!!! Why do we cry and scream when the rains come!!!! Rejoice in these moments...you are closer than you were yesterday and alot further from where you were a year ago!

You Can... You Will

Take every moment and work it, live it, be it...to the fullest!!!!

Izzy That Motivational Guy

Monday, May 18, 2009

Doubts and Excuses!

"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt."William Shakespeare

If you take a list of all things that you felt weren't accomplished and list the many reasons why, you might find yourself exposed. You might find that the many reasons that you've listed are nothing more than excuses. Some might be valid but most aren't. I found that for every reason or excuse, there was also an answer that countered whatever I listed as a roadblock or problem. I challenge you this day....make a list of all that you wanted to accomplish by now and all the things that you hope to accomplish in the future. Be honest with yourself as you list the many things that have gone wrong, got in the way, proved to be a "problem", or could stand as a potential hiccup. Then sit back and read your answers. Most if not all might lead you to laugh or simply realize the root of it all. Doubt's minions seemed to have come against your courageous cads known as hope, faith, and trust to overcome the very ideas and visions you hold dear. Sometimes you are just going to have to understand the road won't be without potholes and that a mountain is never easy to climb. However, it doesn't mean you can't...it just means that it's going to take a bit more work and dedication on your part. "Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt." - W. Shakespeare

-or as my 4Th grade teacher - Ms. Henry - would say ,"You only fail by failing to try"!
Either way...it's your destiny...it's already written and no devil in hell or mountain to be scaled can change history's future!

You Can...You Will
Take every moment and work it, live it, be it to the fullest!
Izzy- that motivational guy

Friday, May 15, 2009

Make Time 2

"We can never put a harness on time as it always runs ahead. All we can do is think and plan ahead of schedule. Then we run through fields beside it as a child with an unleashed pet. :) "-Izzy That Motivational Guy

We can try with all our might to micromanage every single thought and task and we'll never be able to master time. Even the mechanisms that turn the dials and gears that guide your space and time fall behind a bit as the battery weakens. Yes, the very instrument that you rely on to remind you of the times can often fall victim to the very time that its keeping. How many of us have been late for work as the 7 year old digital clock's circuitry malfunctioned and the "set alarm" button didn't seem to work even after being set for 6am? I challenge you this day...don't let time maximize you as much as you are trying your very best to maximize time. Yes, set agendas and schedule meetings. Set alarms and plan out your day. Carefully pencil in the things and tasks that must take place as not to fall behind. However, make time for what is important...the things that can't be manipulated or put as the last priority. Rest, family, "me time", and moments to worship and reflect are just as important. You'd be surprised how far a simple smile or hugging your child/husband/wife/friend will go at the RIGHT time. Again, put things in perspective. "Don't let what you call success drive a wedge between the meaning and the matters."

You can...You Will
Take each moment and work it, live it, be it to the fullest!!!
Izzy That Motivational Guy